World's largest collaborative




E - Commerce


Web, Mobile


4 Weeks

The client

Enthuziastic provides a healthy space for people of all ages, locations, ethnic and religious backgrounds to meet and connect. It is a collaborative platform that encourages members to take on the role of a teacher and share their skills. It offers a range of courses that members can sign themselves up for and learn and earn money from.


The challenge

  • Increase end-user usage to meet and exceed growth and engagement goals.
  • Provide a cohesive experience for all communities.
  • Increase their digital footprint
  • Improve prospects for learning and monetization

The process


Explore, Examine, and Scrutinize


Construct, Express, and Formulate


Infer, Envisage, and Conceptualize


Compose, Configure and Delineate


For this project, we started with website and app designs for both iOS and Android, evolved over time and eventually designed the entire iOS and Android application. 

To kick things off, we first designed Enthuziastic’s logo that represented their goals and services. We curated a fun and colourful logo for it to be more appealing and unique. It includes all the Enthuziastic’s key feature requirements. After which, we moved onto designing the website and app for which, we used a series of exercises to understand our target audience and their goals, and to develop a UX strategy to meet the website and app users’ needs.


Building and transforming successful software for Enthuziastic for a user-friendly iOS or Android app requires collaboration – with the client and their customers. To get the process started, we held a sketch session with the Enthuziastic team to gain insight into the ideal app and what product requirements they felt were essential. 

During this session, our design team worked closely with Enthuziastic’s team to create images that could serve as inspiration for mobile devices and websites. These sketch sessions gave us a chance to get everyone on the same page before developing wireframes.


Once the wireframes were developed, we shared them with real users to identify the most important aspects of the app and website, and test our assumptions. In the user interviews, we found out the most important tasks users wanted to do was on their mobile devices so that it would be more flexible for them to use.

We promptly changed and improved the wireframes based on this type of feedback and the data we collected during user testing. It was important to us and the users we interviewed that the app and website be useful on the go. We designed a mobile experience that conveyed key information in a way that could be easily accessed between meetings and on the go.


Working together, we identified key priorities and designed a web and mobile experience that met both user expectations and business goals. We used our iterative design and development process to focus on the essential features without trying to define all requirements upfront. 

Our user testing revealed that metrics and lead activity play an important role in the user experience. Enthuziastic’s clients like to learn, earn and grow, which is exactly what they offer. So we built frameworks that make it easy for users to learn and measure the effectiveness of specific sections and services they offer.

Typography &




Semi bold





The impact that icons have on the usability and appeal of any application and, more so, any operating system. They are small but influential and become important visual cues that help users navigate quickly and intuitively. For us, icons always pose a challenge because what looks simple is the most difficult task. For Enthuziastic, we designed an icon that strikes a perfect balance between originality and recognizability, tradition and innovation.

Our Process

End Result: Final Application

With our industry expertise, world-class team, and sophisticated agile development and design thinking processes, we were able to far exceed the Enthuziastic team’s expectations. The Enthuziastic team is now ready to step into the market after the base laid by Vrinda. The app and website were launched exactly as planned, meeting the timelines. In addition to this, the Enthuziastic team also saw quantifiable results in user numbers after the launch.

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